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Series 5 of My Journal with the Scientific Investigation Group to the Tibetan Plateau: A Tough Journey


 Translated from www.people.com 

The investigation group sets out early in the morning of 22nd, August, carrying with us one hundred pancakes made by the villagers. Our task today is to start from the county of Pulan, which is 3900m above sea level, to where we are about to camp at the altitude of about 5600m. During this 1700m almost vertical journey, the group plans for three stops: The first one is upon a river valley washed by glacial melting. At this place, scientific staff will have to abandon motor vehicles for hiking.

The second stop, where the investigation members get prepared for research, is at the foot of Namunani Glacier. Much of the scientific equipment and our living necessities will also store here.

The final stop is actually the working place for them research staff. They will carry out a series of scientific tasks on the main territory of the glaciers.

Easier said! It took us almost two whole days to walk from the first stop to the second, with the help of local Tibetans with a team of yaks to carry our wares.

Though it is really a toilsome journey constantly challenging one’s physical condition and endurance, we still feel very happy and proud as we reach our scientific base—“Namunani Hotel”, the research staff bantered.