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Glacial melting accelerated in Switzerland


Translated from www.xinhua.com        15th, November, 2004


Influenced by global warming, lots of glaciers in Switzerland were undergoing accelerated melting, especially those small-scale glaciers, which submitted more easily to climate variation. A study released by University of Zurich in Switzerland said recently.


According to their statistics, only 1% of the glaciers got disappeared during 1973-1985. But since 1985, glaciers in Switzerland had witnessed dramatic decline in acreage: 18% of all the glaciers were lost from 1985 to 2000; among those disappeared glaciers, 22% took place in the Alps. Scientists even projected that by 2025, another one third of glaciers in Switzerland would disappear due to global warming.


Records by satellite also showed that with global warming, glaciers in Switzerland were becoming thinner apart from their accelerated melting.