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ITP director participated in GEWEX


The 6th international conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME was held in December, 3rd to the 5th at Kyoto International Community House, Kyoto.


ITP director, Prof. Yao Tandong was among the lists of honorable speakers in the conference. His presentation of “The Decadal Plan to Study Plateau Environment and Land Processes” aroused the general interest among other worldly acknowledged scientists, who shared the idea that Tibetan Plateau is very sensitive to global climate change.


GEWEX, standing for global energy and water cycle experiment, had successfully carried out its program called GAME, which aimed to probe into the role Asian Monsoon played in global water and energy circulation. To push effectively forward the creation of statistical model for climate forecast, it proposed this year to continue with the Post-GAME plan, which showed considerable interests in the establishment of field platform for observation and monitoring in the Plateau, thus included it within. Further negotiations and cooperation in concern were to follow up, Prof. Yao said.