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ITP and JTHS joint hands in Tibetan Plateau research


After several rounds of negotiation, ITP and Japan National Consortium on the Tibet Hydroclimate Sciences (JTHS) finally reached an agreement in Beijing, stating the principles, scientific goals, academic approaches, participants and administration of resources, data and joint work of the joint program.

Accordingly, JTHS will provide a series of observation facilities to ITP for its monitoring stations on the Tibetan Plateau, to study atmosphere, hydrology, solar power, and soil etc. In addition, both sides agreed to engage in the cultivation and development of young scientists in relevant research fields.

from left to right: Professors Ma Yaoming and Yao Tandong (from the ITP) attended the signing ceremony with Toshio Koike (professor of Tokyo University) and Hirohiko Ishikawa (professor of Kyoto University).