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Chinese further cooperation with German on Tibetan Plateau research


The Fourth Sino-German Workshop on Tibetan Plateau Research kicked off in Kunming, Yunnan during April 27 and 30, 2007, attracting 26 German scientists of the 53 participants. This is the unstinting effort of CAS in boosting Chinese academic cooperation with DFG in studying the Tibetan Plateau.

Academic discussions evolve around three topics, namely the geology and geomorphological evolution of the Tibetan Plateau, climate and environmental change on the Plateau since the late Quaternary, and Tibetan Plateau cryosphere and hydrosphere.  Scientists also actively engaged in the discussion for future ten year scientific cooperation thereupon.

This workshop helps deepen mutual understanding in the area of Tibetan Plateau research and promote academic exchange thereupon. It will also be conducive to the formation and application of joint scientific projects.