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NCAR scientist Aiguo Dai visits ITP


Invited by ITP Prof. YANG Kun, Dr. Aiguo Dai, researcher at the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR), visited ITP on July 20, 2012. He attended Prof. Yang’s research group gathering, and offered some suggestions on further academic research to graduates after listening to their academic presentations.

On the afternoon of July 20, Dr. Dai presented a talk titled “increasing drought under global warming” to the CAS key laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes. In his talk, he presented observational evidence of increasing drought since 1950 over the continents, and demonstrated that the observed changes so far were consistent with model predictions on a global scale. He also admitted that due to natural decadal variations that are irreproducible by the models, regional discrepancies existed.

Dr. Dai is experienced at hydrological circulation study, on both regional and global scales. He currently serves as editor for Journal of Climate and associate editor for Journal of Hydrology.