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Academic exchange with Purdue University scientist Qianlai Zhuang on alpine ecology


Invited by Prof. LUO Tianxiang, Dr. Qianglai Zhuang, William F. and Patty J. Miller Associate Profesoor of Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences and Agronomy, Purdue University visited ITP on October 17, 2012. His visit featured a report entitled “Soil thermal and hydrological dynamics and their effects on vegetation and carbon dynamics in northern high latitudes.”

In the report, Dr. Zhuang first emphasized the importance of soil temperature and humidity simulation in high-latitudes in the northern hemisphere, as they are key to accurate modeling and soil humidity-heat coupling study. He also shared his understanding of the potential influence of permafrost melting to the greenhouse gases (esp. the methane) emission based on his model study. Interested in the coupling of soil temperature and humidity, permafrost dynamics and methane emission, and the relationship between vegetation types and permafrost, he exchanged notes intensively with ITP research staff in those aspects.

After the report, he conducted deepened discussions with Prof. Luo and his team on how to integrate in situ monitoring data on the Tibetan Plateau with models to better forecast responses of alpine ecological system to climate changes. Plans for further cooperation were also discussed.