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Yanhong Tang shared his latest research at ITP


November 30, 2012, Beijing--Invited by ITP Prof. LUO Tianxiang, Dr. Yanhong Tang from the National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan, visited ITP and introduced his latest progress in eco-physiological studies on the structure and function of ecosystems to ITP scientists.

Entitled “Influences of Temperature Variation on Tibetan Plateau Ecosystems”, Prof. Tang’s report briefly overviewed several major international research programs on the impacts of warming on Tibetan Plateau ecosystems. He then demonstrated the relationship between the carbon accumulation of the grassland ecosystem and temperature/ environment on the Tibetan Plateau at different time scales.

His report also highlighted the necessity and importance of long-term in situ observations on the Plateau to studying the sensitivity of Tibetan Plateau plants to temperature and/or air pressure changes, as well as various responses of different plants to environmental factors.