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Top Priorities

  • Indian-Eurasian continental collision, geodynamics, and the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
  • Mechanisms of material flow and phase transition in various spheres over the Tibetan Plateau and their influences
  • Ecosystem variation and human activities in alpine-cold regions
  • Risk assessment, environmental crisis, and emergency management

CAS Key Laboratories

Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes (TEL)

Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift (LCPU)

Laboratory of Alpine Ecology and Biodiversity (LAEB)


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  NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars:
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High-cold region Observation and Research Network for Land surface processes & Environment of China (HORN)

Comprehensive Field Station Network for Integrated Observation

  1. Southeastern TP station
  2. Namco station
  3. Qomolangma station
  4. Golmud station
  5. Tienshan station
  6. Haibei station
  7. Gongga station
  8. Lahsa station
  9. Muztagh Ata station
  10. Ngari station
  11. Shenzha station
  12. Nagqu station
  13. Qilianshan station
  14. Qinghai lake station
  15. Three rivers sources station
  1. Norgay station
  2. Mt. Yulong station
  3. Shuanghu station
  4. Motuo station
  5. Katmandu(Nepal)
  6. Gilgit(Pakistan)
  7. Tajikistan
  8. Uzbekistan
  9. Kyrghyzstan
  10. Kazakhstan
  11. Iran-1
  12. Iran-2
  13. Dacca
  14. Sri Lanka
  15. Myanmar

Nam Co Monitoring and Research Station for Multisphere Interactions, CAS (NAMORS)

Muztagh Ata Westerly Observation and Research Station (MAWORS)

Southeast Tibet Observation and Research Station for the Alpine Environment, CAS (SETORS)

Qomolangma Atmospheric and Environmental Observation and Research Station, CAS (QOMORS)

Medog Observation & Research Center for Earth Landscape and Earth System, CAS 

Ngari Desert Observation and Research Station (NADORS) 

The HORN targets at land surface processes and environmental changes on the Tibetan Plateau by subjecting geophysics, tectonics, and Plateau atmospheric physics under long-term and continuous observation. Five base stations have been set up and located in the five major directions of the Plateau. Apart from these major stations, there are also some specific field monitoring networks to provide efficient support to Tibetan Plateau study.

Copyright ©2003- Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: itpcas@itpcas.ac.cn