A scientists’ group led by ITP Prof. MA Yaoming rode by SUVs along the SE-NW transect from Qomolangma station to Lanzhou from April 30 to May 6, to investigate field stations and prepare for the establishment of a field observation network. This network will facilitate with its high-quality data in the further analysis of atmospheric circulations over the Third pole region.

The group selected eleven field stations, i.e. QOMORS, Dumxung Desert and Grassland Station (DDGS), Dumxung Wetland Station (DWS), Nagqu station, MS3608 station, NPAM station, Amdo Station, D110 station, D 105 station, ND 66 station, and D66 station, as the major components of the observation network. Monitoring and observation will be conducted according to each of their unique geographical features such as lakes, wetland, grassland and meadow, alpine desert and glaciers, etc.
Among the eleven selected, six stations as the Nagqu station, Amdo station, DDGS, ND 66 station, DWS and QOMORS were particularly chosen for vortex covariate observation, given their different land surfaces and comparatively mature observation status. Besides, except for the ND 66 station, the aforementioned five stations were also designated to monitor the radiation balance near the ground, together with D 105 station.
Data quality control was reiterated during the visit to various field stations. Apparatus applied in the observation was also asked for careful maintenance to ensure its normal and sustainable operation. A short training course was planned during May 11-13, 2011 at Lanzhou, inviting Prof. WANG Jiemin to talk about preliminary data treatment to observation staff at those stations. With raw-data quality well controlled and preliminary treatment methods unified, this network is expected to provide accuracy and convenience for in-depth and comprehensive analysis.

This field expedition for observation network layout tends to contribute to the launch of an all-dimensional intensified field observation to be conducted from June to November this year. It is essential in the study of changes of Tibetan plateau climate system, its mechanisms and influences on the East Asian region, a National 973 project funded by the MOST. Field observation is the first and fundamental step for further analysis of atmospheric and hydrological processes in the region. The project office also announced an initiation conference to be held from May 14 to 15, 2011 in Lanzhou, aiming to coordinate the field observations and properly arrange field works for more efficient study in this effort.