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Guide for Application of TEL Open Funding(2018.9)

1. Introduction
The CAS Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes focuses on Tibetan environment changes as well as how the Tibetan Plateau (TP) responds and adapts to global change. The Laboratory strives to uncover mechanisms behind environmental changes on the plateau, in an effort to clarify how land surface processes work on the TP and what impact they have on the East Asia and beyond. By assessing TP environmental changes in relation to the monsoon system, global warming and human activities, the Laboratory works to predict future environmental and land surface scenarios on TP, with a view to improving human well-being on the TP and across the East Asian region.
The Laboratory now offers an open funding to scientists working on TP environmental changes and land surface processes, as part of its efforts to echo the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the Tibetan Plateau. Application for this year’s funding starts on September 30, 2018 and ends by October 30, 2018. All submitted research plans will be reviewed by the Academic Committee of the Laboratory, and grants will be awarded on merit basis.

2. The funding scope
1) Environment changes and land surface processes on The Tibetan Plateau in recent decades: Modern environment and land surface processes changes on The Tibetan Plateau bear different features in different regions. They demonstrate complicated interactions with global changes. Scientists intend to study the multi-sphere variations and interactions on the Tibetan Plateau, and thus to study the correlation between modern land surface processes and environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and relevant geophysical mechanisms.
2) Paleo-environment reconstruction on The Tibetan Plateau: Scientists are reconstructing past environment by quantifying the relationship between chemical proxies and environment parameters, studying past environmental changes on different time scales using various records preserved in ice cores, lacustrine sediments, and tree ring on The Tibetan Plateau, and proposing variation features and possible mechanisms of environmental changes on The Tibetan Plateau.
3) The Tibetan Plateau Environment and Anthropogenic Activities: Scientists try to address the influence of anthropogenic activities on The Tibetan Plateau environment changes, and study possible effects of environment changes on and around regions on social sustainability and wellbeing.
4) The Tibetan Plateau Environment and global change: scientists focus on the process and long-term trend of the environmental change on The Tibetan Plateau, and address the influence on and interaction of The Tibetan Plateau environment with global changes.

3. Application method of the Open Research Fund
1) Scientists who work in universities or research institutes around the world (other than ITP) doing the related research on the Tibetan Plateau can apply the Open Research Fund. Those who have doctoral degree or who work in universities or research institutes of remote areas are encouraged to apply. The applicant shall collaborate with a scientist of TEL. (Please see the full list of scientists in TEL at http://www.itpcas.cas.cn/)
2) The applicant should fill the application form in quadruplicate according to the application instructions of the Open Research Fund, and submit the application form, with his/her own institute’s seal, to TEL.
3) Review and assessment of applications will be carried out using standard peer-review procedures and by consultation with the academic council. Results from the review process will be announced and inform to the applicants in Dec. 2011. Successfully applied applicants will become visiting scholar of TEL.
4) The duration of the Open Research Fund is two years (from 1 JAN 2019 to 30 DEC 2020). The research fund will be 70,000-100,000 RMB, and will be transferred into the account of TEL collaborator. The money is used for reimbursement of travel, samples test, and publications fees during the fulfilling the research project.
5) The applicant shall submit annual report to TEL every year, and submit final report when he/she finish the project. The applicant shall report his/her results in laboratory’s academic annual meeting with poster or oral presentation.
6) The applicant should submit explanation to TEL when the project cannot be finished on time or ask for changing research plan, at least two months prior to the completion of the project. The academic council will decide whether approval or denial.

4. Research Results Management
1) Materials submit every year. Every year, the applicant shall submit his/her publications supported by the Open Research Fund, progress report, or final report to TEL. These materials shall be filed by TEL.
2) Scientific Achievements. The applicant’s own institute and TEL share all the research results created under the Open Research Fund, whether in the form of research papers, publications or patents, etc. The applicant shall co-affiliate himself/herself to his/her own institute and “Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China”.
3) Achievements Mark. All the research results created under the Open Research Fund, whether in the form of research papers, publications or patents, etc., shall be marked with such reference as “Supported by Open Research Fund of Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environmental Changes and Land Surface Processes, Chinese Academy of Sciences”.

The Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environmental Changes and Land Surface Processes, Chinese Academy of Sciences are responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.

Dr. Jing GAO
No.16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P. R. China
Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environmental Changes and Land Surface Processes, CAS
Tel: +86-10-84097112
Fax: +86-10-84097079
Email: tel@itpcas.ac.cn
Website: http://www.tel.itpcas.ac.cn/

Copyright ©2003- 2025 Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: itpcas@itpcas.ac.cn